Upcoming summit CQ GMA OL/KR246 HEMA OK/HKR-007 WWFF OKFF-002

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Registriert: Do 7. Jan 2021, 22:40

Upcoming summit CQ GMA OL/KR246 HEMA OK/HKR-007 WWFF OKFF-002

Beitrag von OK5AM » Do 7. Jan 2021, 23:57

Hi dr oms

on Saturday 9th Januray I will be again active from Lysecinska hora 1188 asl. in Riesengebirge JO70VR
It will be cross summit

I will run Xiegu X-90 with dipole cca 20W
QRV 7&14 Mhz SSB maybe some VHF/UHF FM
Plannig to start on 10:30 UTC

pics from last activation on 1.1.2021 https://flic.kr/s/aHsmTmdVTm

hopefully I am in the rigt thread

vy 73 es GL es HNY
stay safe healthy happy

Ludek OK5AM

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Registriert: Sa 14. Apr 2012, 19:17
Wohnort: Kronach

Re: Upcoming summit CQ GMA OL/KR246 HEMA OK/HKR-007 WWFF OKFF-002

Beitrag von DB7MM » Fr 8. Jan 2021, 15:34

Dear Ludek,

I would recommend posting information about upcoming activations in the Alerts section of GMA Watch. This is the place potential chasers check for upcoming activations. On the GMA website click QRV, GMAWatch and the loudspeaker icon for alerts.

Of course flickr links and other information about activations are welcome in the forum. I enjoyed watching the pictures of your last activation.
Have fun with your activation on Saturday!

73 de Michael, DB7MM

Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Do 7. Jan 2021, 22:40

Re: Upcoming summit CQ GMA OL/KR246 HEMA OK/HKR-007 WWFF OKFF-002

Beitrag von OK5AM » Fr 8. Jan 2021, 20:20

Thank you Michael,

I've been lost on gma website, I clicked nearly to everything but not for this
73 Ludek
